In The Community – Pushor Mitchell Okanagan Conference on Brain Injury

BrainTrust Canada is hosting the Pushor Mitchell Okanagan Conference on Brain Injury on June 13 & 14, 2013 at UBC Okanagan. BrainTrust Canada has been coordinating a conference for over 20 years, however this year celebrates two “firsts”: the start of a three-year partnership with Title Sponsor Pushor Mitchell, and also the first time this event will take place at the UBC Okanagan campus. The move was inspired by research that BrainTrust Canada is participating in with UBCO’s Dr. Mark Holder on the topic of “wellness after brain injury.” This research is currently being conducted and findings will be announced later in 2013. In line with this research, the theme for this year’s conference is “Living Well – Cultivating Hope and Resilience after Brain Injury.”

The conference is an interactive learning experience for professionals, family caregivers and persons living with brain injury. It brings together national and international experts in the field of brain injury to promote best practices, present current research findings and foster opportunities for new connections among attendees. Keynote speakers include Dr. Michael Ungar, Co-Director, Resilience Research Centre, Dalhousie University, Halifax on “The Social Ecology of Resilience: Families, Communities and Service Providers"; Dr. David Rhine, Emergency Physician at Kelowna General Hospital on "Sports Concussion: Sideline to Emergency Department to Office and Back"; Dr. Al Condeluce, Pittsburgh, PA on "The Power and Potency of Social Capital"; and Dr. Shaun Gray, Associate Professor, Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Alberta – on "The Neurobehavioural Consequences of Brain Injury." There will also be a series of workshops over the two days, and all information is available at – Events – Pushor Mitchell Okanagan Conference on Brain Injury.

The conference is open to the public, and, in addition, BrainTrust Canada is seeking sponsors. Please contact Magda Kapp, Director of Communications at BrainTrust Canada at (250) 762-3233 or if interested in supporting the event as a sponsor or exhibitor.

“We are extremely pleased to partner with Pushor Mitchell LLP as Title Sponsor,” says Maribeth Friesen, CEO for BrainTrust Canada. “The firm has been a dedicated supporter of our association since our inception in the mid-1980’s and this is an amazing extension of that support. We are also very excited to bring the conference to an academic setting at UBCO for the first time, and have gathered a dynamic group of presenters who will offer something for everyone who attends. ”

BrainTrust Canada Association is a progressive community rehabilitation organization dedicated to maximizing independence for persons with brain injury, as well as being a leader in the area of brain injury prevention and education.

For more information about the conference:

For more information about the Pushor Mitchell Brain Injury Group: