Congratulations to the Journey Home Task Force

Congratulations to the Journey Home Task Force, which was the unanimous City Council choice for the Anita Tozer Memorial Award at the Kelowna Civic Awards on April 24, 2019.

We are proud to have participated on the task force both through Pushor Mitchell partner Theresa Arsenault, Q.C., as an active member of the Journey Home Task Force, and by having several of our lawyers assist with preparing the bylaws and incorporating the Central Okanagan Journey Home Society, preparing the board governance policy manual, advising on employment matters, applying for charitable status for the society, and working toward creation of a Community Court in Kelowna.  We will continue to do pro bono work for the society as it implements its plan to end homelessness in Kelowna.

For more information on Pushor Mitchell’s support of Journey home, visit We Support Journey Home and for more on the Civic & Community Awards and the recipients, visit  Kelowna Civic Awards.

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