Pushor Mitchell Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Staff, Lawyers And Alumni

Pushor Mitchell celebrated its 50th anniversary for the law firm with a gathering that included current staff and lawyers, and many long-time alumni who contributed to the firm’s five-decade legacy.

Managing Partner Joni Metherell recounted the firm’s history, which started with two lawyers in 1973 and today includes 37 lawyers and over 100 staff members, providing services in over 25 areas of law.  She extended her heartfelt appreciation by thanking the firm’s clients for their continued support over the years.  She acknowledged the dedication and passion of the individuals who currently work at Pushor Mitchell, as well as alumni who contributed to the firm’s success. Highlights from the year included “Best Law Firm in Kelowna”, Partner Curtis Darmohray receiving the Bronze award for “Best Lawyer in Kelowna”, and Canada’s Small and Medium Employer Award which signifies the firm’s commitment to its employees and fostering a positive work environment.

The firm’s strong commitment to the community was emphasized as a key value of the firm. As a hallmark of the firm’s 50th anniversary the firm made donations totaling $50,000 including:

  • A $25,000 donation to the BC Cancer Foundation for a systemic therapy suite for cancer treatment
  • A $10,000 donation to Foundry Kelowna for an outreach counsellor position aimed at helping at-risk youth
  • A $7,500 donation to UBCO for the establishment of the “Pushor Mitchell LLP Award in Indigenous Language Fluency”.
  • An additional undisclosed donation to be announced publicly in the near future.

Long-time Partner Paul Mitchell spoke at the event and shared stories from his tenure at the firm, recognizing past partner Rick Pushor along with other lawyers and staff who contributed to the long-standing success of the firm.

Attendees enjoyed appetizers, wine and Cipes Brut from Summerhill Pyramid Winery, beer from Rustic Reel, and entertainment provided by Zach Griffin on the saxophone and Megan Frederick on the bass. A slideshow featuring photos spanning five decades allowed attendees to reminisce about the firm’s journey. Photos from the event were captured by Darren Hull.

Pushor Mitchell’s 50th-anniversary celebration showcased its growth, achievements, and ongoing commitment to both its employees and the community. It is a testament to the firm’s dedication and success over half a century.

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