United Way Days Of Caring At Pushor Mitchell LLP

On October 22nd, Pushor Mitchell closed for the afternoon to participate in the United Way Days of Caring Program.  Over 100 staff and lawyers volunteered over 400 hours for projects that were as diverse as the skill level of the volunteers themselves. A dozen projects were tackled at a dozen organizations across Kelowna – everything from painting walls at Kelowna Community Resources to building food hampers for the Kelowna Community Food Bank to shelter clean up at SPCA to raking leaves for the Salvation Army to building planter boxes at Spring Valley Care Centre. We were delighted to participate this year and plan on making it an annual event.

The United Way Days of Caring program connects workplace volunteers with projects that benefit the community. If you would like to volunteer for Days of Caring, the United Way makes it simple to get involved, just contact them at 250-860-2356 or [email protected].


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