We Support Journey Home

Pushor Mitchell is proud to support the Journey Home strategy to end homelessness in our region.  We have helped form and establish the governance structure for the backbone organization, Central Okanagan Journey Home Society, which will help coordinate the creation of new supportive housing and the delivery of services to the homeless by the many service providers already working in this area.

We are excited about the possibilities for partnerships with people who want to make a difference.  Some of these partnership opportunities include investing in new housing projects as landlords, volunteering, donating to the Society, and helping change the stigma that surrounds homelessness by individual acts of kindness.

We recognize the exceptional community leadership shown by Dr. Kyleen Myra and Martin Bell as outstanding and effective leaders of the initiative, the vision and support of the Mayor and Council, and the hard work and dedication of the whole Journey Home Task Force and Transition Team.  Thank you to all of you!

And we are excited that Gaylene Askeland has taken on the role of Executive Director of the Society.  She has been a very effective leader in the John Howard Society and will now lead this strategy to end homelessness.  Welcome Gaylene!

See this short video to learn more:   Why I Support Journey Home.

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