Personal Injury

We work only for you, ensuring that you receive the maximum compensation available.

Pushor Mitchell’s team of personal injury lawyers provide experienced representation to clients seeking resolution for personal injury. We recognize the stress and strain that injuries can cause for both the injured and their families. We help you assert your rights and help you obtain compensation that is fair and that you deserve. We offer contingency fee arrangements (i.e. we are paid when you receive payment) to assist clients with the cost of pursuing a personal injury claim. We have experience with negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, as well as the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the Court of Appeal for British Columbia.

We have developed expertise in a number of areas including:

  • Brain and Spinal Cord Injury
  • Chronic Pain
  • Medical Negligence
  • Wrongful death
  • Product liability claims
  • Slip, trip and fall claims
  • Occupier’s liability
  • Social host liability
  • Disability insurance claims
  • Motor vehicle accidents (e.g. car or motorcycle)
  • Vaccine related injuries

We help ensure that you receive the best medical care and expert support to help you recover and ensure your case is resolved successfully. Our commitment to you is to negotiate or fight (or both) as needed to achieve a fair resolution of your claim as quickly as possible. We can assist you. Please do not hesitate to contact one of our personal injury lawyers to schedule a no cost confidential consultation.

Our Personal Injury Team:

Personal Injury Posts

While it is easier to prove that a person has suffered a fractured bone after slipping and falling, it is often more difficult to prove a brain injury.
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