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The Tax Law Team At Pushor Mitchell LLP

Tax is often one of the largest expenses for any individual or business.  Our Tax Law Team approach your tax needs and disputes with expertise, creativity and practicality.

The Tax Law Team is comprised of Tom Fellhauer and Matthew Kraemer.  Together they provide a wide array of skills and experience to serve our clients and their tax law needs.

Tax Planning Strategies

Tax should not be an afterthought – with our team on your side it won’t be.  We assist with the formulation and establishment of tax planning strategies, including:

  • Income Splitting – Strategies designed to split income among family members can save you a significant amount of money and provide flexibility.
  • Reorganizations – We can assist with reorganizations of closely-held corporations in order to ensure that the structure meets your evolving needs and provides optimal tax savings.
  • Estate Planning – Ensuring that your assets are protected and distributed in accordance with your wishes, while minimizing the tax liability of your estate, requires a personalized plan.  Our Tax Law Team provides the experience and knowledge necessary to prepare and execute a personalized estate plan.
  • Estate Freezes – An estate freeze can “freeze” the value of business or capital assets to defer and minimize taxes owing at death while providing income splitting opportunities.
  • Professionals, Business Owners and Wealthy Families – Professionals, business owners and wealthy families have tax planning and estate planning needs that are complicated and require the assistance of experienced tax practitioners.  Our Tax Law Team offers the requisite experience and knowledge.
  • Business Succession Planning – Many businesses face a catastrophic tax liability upon the death of a founding shareholder.  We help minimize or avoid these tax costs with the development and implementation of a practical succession plan.
  • Charitable Foundations and Planned Giving – Our Tax Law Team assists charitable organizations and foundations as well as individuals in their philanthropic activities.  Planned giving can result in significant tax savings while benefiting our communities.

We bring our expertise, experience and commitment to bear for all your business and family needs.  Whether it is an incorporation, a shareholders’ agreement, the sale of a business, a reorganization, or the establishment of a trust, we will provide counsel for your specific needs while maintaining an eye on the tax consequences.

Tax Disputes with the Canada Revenue Agency

Our Tax Law Team will vigorously represent your interests to resolve your dispute with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) favourably and will apply their skill, knowledge and experience to save you money.

How we can help you:

  • Tax Audits – Being audited can be an intimidating experience.  If you are being audited, this is the first and least expensive opportunity for our tax lawyers to help resolve your dispute with the CRA.
  • Tax Reassessments – Responding to a reassessment from the CRA requires prompt and persuasive action.  Taxpayers can trust our lawyers to create convincing and comprehensive objections to reassessments and strive for the best possible decision from the CRA Appeals Division.
  • Tax Appeals – Having your day in court and receiving fair treatment by a judge of the Tax Court is what many taxpayers are asking for.  Appealing a decision of the CRA Appeals Division to the Tax Court of Canada requires a lawyer with intimate knowledge of Canada’s complex tax laws and a thorough knowledge of practice and procedure at the Tax Court of Canada. Our tax lawyers have that knowledge.
  • Appeals of Tax Court of Canada Decisions – If an appeal to the Tax Court of Canada is unsuccessful, taxpayer’s may feel that the Tax Court got it wrong.  Our lawyers can help you appeal a Tax Court of Canada decision to the Federal Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of Canada if necessary.
  • Tax Amnesty – If you have failed to file tax returns as required by law, or have unreported sources of income you may want to come clean and bring your tax reporting up to date before the CRA enforcement activity catches up to you.  Tax amnesty offered under the Voluntary Disclosures Program is often the most attractive alternative for those who are potential targets of this enforcement activity.
  • Taxpayer Relief and Fairness – Taxpayers are often assessed interest and penalties by the CRA that are extremely punitive.  In certain circumstances, we can assist in obtaining relief from penalties and interest. 

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