Author: Claire MacLeod

Claire MacLeod is an associate lawyer with Pushor Mitchell practicing in both employment law and commercial litigation. She has appeared as counsel at all levels of court in British Columbia,…

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Negotiations are commonplace during the hiring process. However, there is a risk that such negotiations could inadvertently make subsequent written employment contracts unenforceable.
The ability to temporarily lay off an employee is not generally top of mind when an employer is hiring a new employee. Consequently, temporary layoff clauses are often overlooked or
Defamation is communication about a person/business that tends to hurt their reputation.
Currently in British Columbia there is a two-step process to certify a bargaining unit. A union must first get 45% of workers at a job site to sign membership cards,
In British Columbia, the Employment Standards Act, R.S.B.C., c. 113 (the “ESA”) provides significant employment rights for pregnant women.
When an employee voluntarily resigns from their employment they cannot successfully sue their employer for wrongful dismissal. However, determining whether an employee has actually resigned is not always straightforward.

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