Category: Personal Injury

At its core, a personal injury claim involves assessing the difference between an injured claimant’s reality, and what their reality would have been had a car accident, or other injury-causing
In a case identified by the court as analogous to David and Goliath, the hard ball tactics of the insurer deprives it of its costs, despite successfully defending a claim
This Article in the Province Newspaper by a Doctor shows why No Fault is not good for the injured.
This article by an economist shows the NDP’s justification for No Fault makes No Sense.
A recent case in Ontario found a rec league hockey player responsible for significant damages for a blindside hit in a no contact league.
In the latest ‘reform of the law for collision victims in BC, the NDP have passed a new regulation shortening the time to submit receipts to ICBC from 2 years
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