Following our successful Fall 2014 series Navigating the Seas of Change, Pushor Mitchell LLP is pleased to announce the continuation of its monthly presentations for Okanagan employers. Our first installment for 2015 is “Drug and Alcohol Addictions in the Workplace” presented by Alf Kempf.
Addictions issues are complicated and no employer is immune to them. Addictions also lay at an intersection of many challenging areas of law, including contract law, workplace safety and human rights.
In this presentation, Alf Kempf will discuss these issues, with a specific focus on accommodation obligations that an employer owes to employees suffering from addiction and safety obligations that an employer owes to all of its workers. This presentation will also explore recent developments from the Supreme Court of Canada on addictions issues, including mandatory drug and alcohol testing.
This presentation will be held January 21, 2014 in the Pushor Mitchell boardroom. To register, please enrol through our Eventbrite page by following the link below:
Drug and Alcohol Addictions in the Workplace
Please contact Alf Kempf at [email protected] or 250-869-1215 for further information.