Swinging the Heavy Hammer: Just Cause Terminations

Pushor Mitchell is pleased to announce Swinging the Heavy Hammer: Just Cause Terminations, the next presentation in our LawTalks: Business Law Today series.

At some point or another, all managers have to deal with problem staff that lie, talk back, steal or are chronically late. Misconduct such as this impacts staff morale, undercuts profitability and undermines the employment relationship as a whole. Often, managers are left wondering what options are available to them.

In Swinging the Heavy Hammer, employment lawyer Alf Kempf will discuss terminating employees “for cause,” or for good legal reason. Specifically, this presentation will cover the test for a just cause termination, the need for proportionality and the risks and costs associated with a just cause termination gone wrong.

This presentation will be held July 26, 2016 in the Pushor Mitchell boardroom. To register, please enroll through our Eventbrite page.

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