Author: Bryan Fitzpatrick

Bryan is a Partner with Pushor Mitchell LLP, and practices in the areas of Personal Injury, Criminal Defense and Canadian and U.S. Immigration law. He is licensed to practice law…

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Injured while operating your BC-insured vehicle in the United States? Don’t settle your U.S. claim before speaking with a BC Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have been injured from a vaccine, you may be eligible for relief in accordance with product liability principles.
Social gatherings this time of year raise a number of interesting legal questions about who is or is not responsible in the event that someone injures themselves either while attending
In Immediate Roadside Prohibition cases the officer is required to promptly forward to the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles a sworn or solemnly affirmed report in the form established by the
Bryan Fitzpatrick interviewed by Global News on spitting and coughing and the definition of assault in the time of COVID-19.

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