Author: Patrick Gaffney

Patrick has recently arrived from Newmarket, Ontario, to practice in Pushor Mitchell’s Family Law Group as an Associate Counsel.  Patrick hails from the West being born and raised in Penticton,…

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The date of separation is when it is clearly made known to the other spouse the relationship is over, and steps are taken in that regard.
An old legal sage once pointed out the obvious that a marriage can end in only one of two ways: Divorce or death.
I recently attended a Continuing Legal Education Society of BC presentation about the significant changes coming to the Provincial Court Family Rules.
The McDermott case provides an example where the court in a family law case will order production of communications between lawyer and client despite a claim of solicitor-client privilege.
The Child Support Guidelines set the benchmark for calculating income for support purposes. The Guideline’s objectives ensure recipients and payors of support in similar circumstances are treated similarly across Canada.
If a parent or spouse has an obligation to pay support, and lives in a foreign country that has income tax rates which are significantly different than Canadian income tax

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