Author: Taryn Moore

Taryn is a partner at Pushor Mitchell and a member of the Family Law Group. Taryn provides general family law services and is an experienced Collaborative Family Law practitioner. Her…

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The Supreme Court of Canada released its written decision in the case of Michel v. Graydon. This was a case that involved the interpretation and application of section 152 of
Couples often experience significant change when their kids move out, and they retire or head towards retirement.

If you have read any of my articles over the past two years or the articles of my colleagues over the same period, there is little doubt that you have

When a couple separates, there often is a plethora of uncertainties to deal with, financial, emotional and practical. Where a child (or children) will reside and with whom is top

It has been almost three years since I wrote Family Law Christmas and it is the article about which I get the most comments from my clients. With that in

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