Category: Construction

If a property owner agrees to a restrictive covenant for a specific purpose, can that covenant be kept if there is only a “remote” possibility of the purpose being fulfilled?
When disputes arise on construction projects, a party sometimes withholds payment from another pending resolution.
The Builders Lien Act establishes mandatory deadlines for the filing of builders liens against title to land in British Columbia.
It is an unfortunately common story in construction litigation: parties agree on a scope of work and price, the scope of work changes and the parties don’t go back to
Whenever parties fail to fully document the contractual agreement between them, the risk of litigation is heightened given the lack of prescribed remedies and consequences in addition to a wide
As discussed in my previous article, COVID-19, Builders Liens and Limitation Periods, since March 26, 2020, limitation periods in BC were suspended. This suspension was listed as of April 15,
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