Category: Medical Malpractice

In a recent study from France, researchers found that women who use hormone drugs for contraception may have an increased risk of developing meningioma, which are rare and usually benign
Pre-eclampsia is a complication of pregnancy. It can often be missed by treating doctors and may lead to the serious injury or death of the mother and/or baby.
Sepsis is an often preventable killer, and is one of the most deadly and costly medical conditions physicians and hospitals must face.
Pushor Mitchell Partner Paul Mitchell, K.C. is Chair of the firm's Medical Malpractice Group, and recently settled a medical malpractice case for a client in BC at mediation for over
As discussed in my previous article, COVID-19, Builders Liens and Limitation Periods, since March 26, 2020, limitation periods in BC were suspended. This suspension was listed as of April 15,
A 10-year analysis of approximately 3,000 malpractice complaints and settlements involving surgical “incidents” in Canada has just been released by the Canadian Medical Protective Association.
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